Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A slow news day means a busy work day

So I didn't get to update until really late today, but with good reason. I've been working pretty constantly on getting internal draft 2 done so I can start showing it to people I know to get their impressions of it. That being said, I should probably bring up something everyone should know about their script:

Odds are that somebody, somewhere will tell you that it's not good enough.

You should get used to that and, above all else, think about whether or not their opinion is valid and what you can take from it. Don't immediately shrug them off but don't let them force you to compromise your story. I'll leave out the names for the sake of not raising shit, but here's a story I've got from when I was in school.

One of the people in my class had a pretty interesting idea for a story. It was an interesting little comedy about a guy making a short film. He got some advice from one of the teachers and, eventually, ended up with a film so drastically different from the original that when I watched it it didn't even seem like it was his idea anymore. While I'm certain a lot of the advice he got was probably good, this is a pretty good example of what can happen if you take advice without remembering to stay true to your project.

Well, hopefully I'll remember this when I start getting critiques on my own script.

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